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So I seek talented grad students &
industrial partners to find + fix the
problems in real-world AI/ML.
Is that you? Maybe "yes" if you want to be a leader in AI (and not just another follower).
Tim Menzies (ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, ASE Fellow, Ph.D., UNSW, 1995) is a full Professor in Computer Science at North Carolina State where he explores how to make best decisions using the least amount of data. He is the director of the Irrational Research lab (mad scientists r'us) and the author of over 300 publications (refereed) with 24,000 citations and an h-index of 74. He has graduated 23 Ph.D. students, and has been a lead researcher on projects for NSF, NIJ, DoD, NASA, USDA (total funding of $19+ million) as well as joint research work with private companies. Prof. Menzies is the editor-in-chief of the Automated Software Engineering journal and associate editor of TSE (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering) and other leading SE journals. For more, see his web site |

- Teaching: Graduate Intro to SE
- Editor-in-chief: Automated Software Engineering journal
- Associate Editor: IEEE Trans SE, IEEE Software (SE+ethics)
- Editorial Board: Communications of the ACM (opinions)
- Track co-chair: ESEM'25 (doctoral symposium)
- Program committees: ICSE'26, ICSE'25, FSE'25, ASE'25, SANER'25, ESEM'25, CAIN'25, AAAI(ethics)'25
Current Ph.D.s : | 🎓 My graduated Ph.D.s (N=24): | |
Much thanks and good luck to y'all!. 👏 Can't wait to see what you do next! 🚀